Ideas on how to evaluate Documents and Sources

Ideas on how to evaluate Documents and Sources

Key methods you should consider when approaching a document question or sources.
  1. Who, What, Where, When, Why – ask these questions about the source.
  2. Provenance, use this word a lot in your argument – where is the source coming from.
  3. Never say a source is bias.
  4. Cross-reference the sources that you have been given. This is a fundamental part of evaluating and writing an essay on sources.
  5. Tone and language. E.g. Is the source passionate, aggressive, emotive…
  6. Check and question a source using your own knowledge. For example did the event actually take place, or did it occur in a different way to the one that is mentioned in the source.
  7. Explain similarity and differences between the sources.
  8. End your argument with a Judgement + Conclusion + Summation of your ideas and arguments.

    1. Provenance –where it comes from
    2. Who wrote it – background of the author
    3. Why was it written
    4. Who is it written for
    5. What does it say – content, message
    6. What does the source not say- omissions ect.
    7. Do the sources corroborate with one another or do they conflict.
    8. Is it typical
    9. Is it valid
    10. Is it reliable
    11. Is the source significant
    12. Authenticity
    13. Completeness
    14. Consistency
    15. Representative
    16. Typicality
    17. Usefulness
    18. Dating
    19. Reliability
    20. Authorship
    21. Audience – Who was the source originally intended for

This is how each of your paragraphs should be formed:
Stated factor (argument) – basically the point you want to make
Reference to a source or sources if they support or conflict with your point
Other factors or notable points – It can also be argued ect…. The author has the benefit of hindsight or say, the source is intended to influence for political purposes. © All rights reserved. Part of Mumble Media. Powered by Blogger.